Intervening with children and families following the identification of maltreatment

Date: Oct 9, 2017 00:00:00 to 23:59
Modular approaches to address and modify abusive and neglectful parenting and the associated impairment of children's health and development using an Intervention Resources Toolkit


Institute of Family Therapy

24-32 Stephenson Way, London, NW1 2HX

Speakers: Dr Arnon Bentovim and Dr Eileen Vizard, Child and Family Training UK

Fees- Members of BASPCAN and ISPCAN £130: Non Members £195: Joining members £215 and  Student £50
Book at this link and to see more information

The Directory

We are now producing the Directory exclusively in an easy to use PDF format. The DABS National Resource Directory lists over 650 organisations across the UK and Ireland .These are arranged according to location and services offered. National organisations are also represented. There are services that work with adults, children, males, females, perpetrators and also those that provide accommodation and helpline services.

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Books List

DABS has composed a list of around 450 titles categorized according to who they are aimed at and the subject matter they explore.

There are books for survivors and victims of abuse and sexual violence and who may be experiencing additional issues as a result. Other books are aimed at professionals working in this field.


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