Dealing with Distress: Working with Self-Harm & Suicide

Date: Jun 22, 2018 00:00:00 to 23:59


• How can you work safely and effectively with self-harming and suicidal clients?

• How do you accurately assess risk in self-destructive behaviours?
• When should you refer on?
• How can you manage your own anxiety at working with a client in constant crisis?
• Should you tackle self-harm head on, or is it best to ignore it?
• What are your legal and moral responsibilities?
• How can you help your clients deal differently with their distress?

Trauma dysregulates the nervous system and heightens our emotions. In other words, distressing events leave us distressed.Very often, because of the changes that trauma effects in our brains, that distress becomes unmanageable and unbearable, and we can end up in a vicious cycle of being distressed by being so distressed.
Self-harm is often viewed as a cry for help, but more often it is simply our best attempt to survive our pain. Its downside is that it carries significant health risks and evokes anxiety and distress in those around us.
With unrelenting distress, we turn to suicidal ideation, gesturing and acts, and often the 'care' we subsequently receive only further increases our distress.
Is there a way out of this cycle of distress? And as a professional working with this client group, how do you manage self-harm and suicidality in a safe and effective way?
• 9 June in Bradford
• 16 June in Bristol
• 22 June in Huntingdon
• 30 June in London

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The Directory

We are now producing the Directory exclusively in an easy to use PDF format. The DABS National Resource Directory lists over 650 organisations across the UK and Ireland .These are arranged according to location and services offered. National organisations are also represented. There are services that work with adults, children, males, females, perpetrators and also those that provide accommodation and helpline services.

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Books List

DABS has composed a list of around 450 titles categorized according to who they are aimed at and the subject matter they explore.

There are books for survivors and victims of abuse and sexual violence and who may be experiencing additional issues as a result. Other books are aimed at professionals working in this field.


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